PCT SECTION HIKE | DAY 27 Wallace Creek to Guitar Lake
Miles Hiked: 7.1 miles
Elevation: 1816 ft ascent | 728 ft descent
Short day before Whitney! Only 7 miles and then hopefully an early night in order to sunrise summit. It has been nothing but clear sunny skies and tonight is supposed to be warm!
I take my time (even more so than usual), enjoying the space around me. A long lunch at Whitney Creek, knowing that there is little shade between here and Guitar Lake. Just beyond Timberline Lake (at the last shade tree), I stop and talk with a mother and daughter (Cynthia and Shannon) who are hiking northbound.
I find a spot to set up my tent across the stream, a slightly different view than last year.
Thank goodness for the occasional wind. I macgyvered my FroggToggs poncho into an extra cover on my Tarptent Double Rainbow porch. Soaked my legs. Swam. Tried to relax up against the big Boulder by my tent.
It is too hot to sleep. The best I can do is relax. I eat an early dinner and then explore with my camera until sunset.