PCT SECTION HIKE | DAYS 15-16 VVR Zero Day + VVR to Marie Lakes

Miles Hiked: 0 miles / 13.2 miles
Elevation: 0 ft / 3962 ft ascent | 0 ft / 1037 ft descent

Pancakes, hash browns, eggs, bacon. Yum. I woke up early to the sound of other hikers packing up. Breakfast isn't until 7:00, but I am awake. I decide to spend the time catching up on my journal before other hikers start gathering for breakfast. There are no plans today. Relax and recharge. Shower, loaner clothes (oh so stylish ripped jean shorts and a soft t-shirt), and laundry. Relax.

Now it's time for lunch. A fluffy young bear runs by. A chipmunk chewed a hole in some PCT hiker’s tent while they were at the hot springs (reminder to not leave food in your tent, especially nuts).

Bear Ridge Trail it is. Last year I said I wouldn't do it again: 'Bear Creek next time!" A shorter distance wins, even though it is steeper. There were a few small streams along the way. Most of the group went with Bear Ridge, but a few decided to go with Bear Creek.

Jill, Sharon, Lynn, and I started hiking about 9:30 after getting the shuttle from VVR. Warm and dry. We stopped for lunch along Bear Creek, just past the junction where the two trails from VVR meet. Devin and Lauren were just packing up. We soaked our feet in a little whirlpool and then started the gradual climb up to Marie Lake. Today was hard, my left knee/calf was bothering me (the same spot I pulled at Stubblefield), so it was even slower going than normal. We eventually met up with JP, Paola, and Christian. JP and Jen camped a mile or so before the lake. We set up camp in the same spot I stayed last year. Cooked dinner together, and chatted with a solo hiker who was doing the hike (Sierra High Route turned JMT) without any electronics. He even had a pinhole camera!

We officially have a tramily: Myself, JP + Jen, Devin + Lauren, Jill + Sharon, Christian + Paola, Lynn


PCT SECTION HIKE | DAY 17 Marie Lakes to Piute Creek Bridge via MTR
